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When I was little, I used to write my letter to Santa and throw it in the fire so that it went up the chimney to the North Pole. Now that I’ve got kids of my own, Christmas has taken on a whole new meaning. As trite as it sounds, it’s all about making it special for them and time with family (and if I’m honest, lots of chocolate).
This is the first year that both Alex and Ava are old enough to look forward to Christmas, and after the difficult months of lockdown, I want to make it special for them.
So, when Lapland Letters asked us to try out their special letter from Santa, we jumped at the chance. After all, what’s better than sending a letter to Santa? Getting one back.
The ordering process is very easy. You simply select the package that you want, put in some information about your child like their name, age and what they want for Christmas. You can also add their best friends name and what they left out for Santa last year. There’s are a number of different packages to choose from and there is a great early bird offer too. Every order comes with free standard UK delivery. And it’s as easy as that to buy a letter from Santa for your little ones.
Opening Their Letters
A short time later, two envelopes arrived addressed to Alex and Ava. We waited until nighttime after they’d had a bath and told them that there was a very special letter for them.

The kids didn’t know where to start first. They got a letter from Santa telling them that they were on the ‘good list’ this year (with an official certificate to prove it). There was also a map, a chocolate bar with their name on it, a key to hang on the tree, reindeer food and a whole host of activities to do and colour in.
The chocolate disappeared almost immediately and the names printed on everything was a lovely touch. Alex has already used the map to plan the best route for Santa to the house. We’re also busy working our way through the activity pack.
Overall, I’m really happy with our letters from Lapland Letters. It makes Christmas a little more magical for them both and I’m loving the festive atmosphere in our house already. The Christmas songs have already started and we’ve watched Arthur Christmas five times already.
If anyone is looking for that little extra touch of sparkle this Christmas, then a letter from Santa is the perfect way to keep your little ones excited throughout December.
Website: https://www.laplandletters.co.uk/
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