
Amore Sport CBD Muscle Balm Review

August 31, 2022

You’ve probably noticed a lot of CBD products on the market recently. You can find it in everything from lip balms to drinks. CBD is used by many people for issues such as chronic pain, anxiety and insomnia. CBD is derived from cannabis, but the substance THC, which causes the ‘high’ is removed, which is why it is legal to sell. 

Over the past few months, I’ve done a lot of research into CBD, for a number of reasons. The first is as a potential treatment for migraines, and the second was for my husband’s recurrent back pain.  But there’s so much out there, and so many different brands to choose from. I didn’t want to get caught out paying for a product that had poor ingredients or felt tacky on my skin. 

So when I came across the CBD muscle balm, I thought I’d give it a try, and the results have been surprising. 

Back/Leg Pain

My husband often gets a sore back after doing any type of exercise or exertion. If he’s not careful, it turns into a full-on pain which leaves him bedridden and taking a lot of painkillers. He’s someone who doesn’t usually like to take painkillers, so we try and find other ways to help with the pain such as heat packs or massages. 

He’s been applying the CBD muscle rub to his lower back and upper legs a few times a week, or whenever it feels tender and he’s delighted with the results. The dull pain and stiffness have been reduced quite a bit, so he has much better mobility throughout the day. 

Neck/Shoulder Pain 

As I often write about, I suffer from migraines. I know that getting into a good exercise routine is a key part of a lifestyle that minimises migraines, but I find that any type of tension or ache in my upper back and neck, causes my migraines to get worse. It ends up being a vicious cycle. I do a little exercise, my muscles tense up, I get migraines, I stop exercising and get all of the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle, which includes more migraines. 

So I’ve been using the CBD balm every night on my neck and shoulders and it’s made a huge difference to the pain I usually get there. I’m a lot less headachey through the day too. 

I noticed a difference from the first application.

Post Exercise 

I’ve recently started doing kettlebells, which I love but has left me with very sore legs (as I’m so unfit at the moment). Once I’ve had my shower, I use this on my thigh muscles and I’ve noticed that the post-exercise muscle ache is a lot better, meaning that I don’t need to leave so long between sessions. 

Naturally CBD

I chose this particular brand as it had a lot of good reviews from people who used it for sports recovery. It arrived really quickly, in a box with a leaflet giving additional information on the ingredients and other products in the range. 

The balm is mixed with a number of other ingredients, including Wintergreen. I was worried that it would smell really medicinal, like the old-fashioned muscle rubs that I remember the high school football team absolutely reeking of, but it wasn’t. 

The scent is really similar to a Christmas candle I have, so I find it very comforting. 

The balm itself melts easily into your skin, meaning that a little goes a long way, don’t be tempted to slather handfuls on. Use a little at first and then build up if you need to. 

Once you’ve massaged it into the areas, you’re left with a lovely warming feeling on the skin. I also noticed that the skin on my neck and shoulders is really soft and clear too. When I re-checked the ingredients, there were coconut, almond oil and mango butter, which I think is what’s doing it. When I’ve used muscle rubs before, they’ve often left me with red blotchy skin or breaking out in spots. 

A 50ml jar of CBD balm is £19.99. When you sign up to the Naturally CBD list, you get 15% off your first order, which is well worth taking. They also do a gift set which includes the balm as well as their very popular bath bombs too. 

Will I keep using it? 

Definitely. I wasn’t expecting CBD to be a complete cure for everything, but I’m really happy with the amount that it’s reduced my muscle pain after exercise and just generally, which has been great for my headaches too. I love the smell of the Wintergreen. Plus, Scott’s back pain is responding really well to it, and it means that he’s doing much more with the kids, running around on soft play with them and things like that, which he would have avoided before.

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